Friday, February 16, 2007

Aboriginal Art

In their art lessons Class 3 are thinking about different ways of portraying journeys.They have looked at symbols used in different cultures and by various artists. These paintings are based on symbols used in aboriginal art.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

World Book Day

World Book Day celebrations Thursday 1st March
World Book day is an annual event to promote the love and enjoyment of reading. All the children will receive a £1 book voucher. These can be exchanged at local bookshops that are participating in the scheme.

We are also very fortunate to have a famous author, Jill Murphy, living in the village and she has very kindly accepted an invitation to our school to talk to the children about the hard work, fun and enjoyment involved in writing. Hopefully this will inspire their creativity in writing as well.

Jill Murphy is well known for the `Worst Witch` series and the delightful family adventures of the `Large Family` so we thought it would be fun and something different for the pupils to have a themed dressing -up day based on those characters.

Half term ideas to fill rainy days based on the theme of elephants and witches!
Prepare your dressing up costume.
Competition - Write a story / poem
Competition - Make/ paint a picture
Research Jill Murphy`s books.

Following this event. On Monday 12th March, another author, Jack Trelawney has offered to visit the school to discuss his books which are based in Cornwall.

School Council

News from the School Council - All the children have been involved in the `Sense of Place` garden project. Through the Council pupils have long requested a quiet area to use at break times. So this is to become a reality shortly. Photographs and measurements have been taken and a scale plan drawn by Sam has been used to discuss ideas for the development of the garden. These have included wind chimes, sensory planting and a water feature.
Currently the School Council is making plans to raise funds on Red Nose day. Friday 16th March.

Shoebiz Appeal

The Blue Peter Shoebiz Appeal - Thank you so much for your support of this appeal . We collected 160 pairs of shoes!

Monday, February 05, 2007

Cycling Training

The H.S.A. very successfully organised cycle road safety training a little while ago. If there are any other children and parents interested in taking part in another course, please notify Mrs Goldsmith as soon as possible. Each session would cost £5.

Emergency School closure

As many schools were `caught out` in the snow conditions of November 2005 it seems timely to remind parents of our emergency procedures in the event of bad weather or any other emergency when it is necessary to close the school. When a decision is made to close the school the Local Authority are informed and the local radio stations will be asked to publicise the closure. If the school is in session and the school needs to close we will contact all parents to request the collection of their children if it is safe to do so. School staff will remain at school to ensure the safety of all the children until a safe collection can be made. Building on our experiences of the last snowstorm we know that some parents working away from the area had difficulty reaching us so please be assured that ALL children will be well looked after until they can return home.

Sense of Place Garden

Through the School Council, pupils have requested a quiet area outside to include a sitting area, shade, planting, sensory aspects such as windchimes and scented herbs. This will become a reality during the Summer term. We are currently asking pupils to become fully involved in the project by planning and designing a `Sense of Place ` garden. We have applied for grants to help us fund the project and the H.S.A. are very kindly supporting us as well.

Sense of Place

This term the cross curricular theme of a `Sense of Place` continues. Classes 1 and 2 have taken part in drama workshops learning about the voyage of `The Mystery`, a small traditional fishing lugger that sailed to Australia with a crew looking forward to a better life gold digging! We have been invited to perform this tale at Eden on St. Piran`s Day 5th March.

Healthy Schools 2007

Healthy Schools revalidation 2007.
We are currently in the process of revalidating our Healthy School status. To do this we are gathering a wealth of evidence to show how the school promotes Healthy Eating, Physical Fitness, PHSE ( Physical, Health and Social Education) and EHW (Emotional Health and Well being) !

Fruity Tuck and milk are popular at break times but there are still several pupils who are not taking the opportunity to enhance their diet for just 10p per item - that must be a bargain! Fruit from home is very acceptable as well and please do not forget to ensure that the children bring along their water bottles .


Classes 2 and 3 have participated in Cornish language workshops.
This topic also has links to Literacy, Art, Dance, Drama, History and Geography.


Great news - we have received the Activemark for our commitment to Physical Education and Sporting activities. Keeping fit and active is a key objective of school life and this standard means that all pupils take part in P.E. lessons for at least two hours a week. The pupils swimming achievement in distance and water skills is outstanding. We also offer a range of extra curricular clubs including Football, Runfit and High Five. The junior pupils have opportunities to take part in adventurous activities such as canoeing, climbing and abseiling. Children showing particular sporting talent are selected to receive specialist coaching. It is part of our school philosophy to invite specialist teachers or instructors into school for activities such as Dance, Gym and Football to ensure the highest quality of teaching and learning can take place. Everyone is encouraged to find a physical activity that they can really enjoy and pursue. Following a pupil survey P.E. is one of the most enjoyed areas of the curriculum.

Friday, February 02, 2007

School Improvements

We are delighted to say that the all the toilet areas are being totally refurbished during the Easter holidays.
Pupils have been very busy choosing colour schemes for walls, floors, cubicles and vanity units!

Thursday, February 01, 2007

The Mystery

Long ago in the harbour at Newlyn there was a fishing boat. She was called the ‘Mystery’. She looked pretty much the same as all the other Newlyn luggers. She had the number 233 painted on her bows (the front) and a crew of hard-working young fishermen to keep hershipshape. The names of her crew were; Job Kelynack, Charlie Boase, Lewis Lewis, Philip Curnow Matthews and the brothers William and Richard Badcock. So, the ‘Mystery’ was just an ordinary fishing boat but an extraordinary adventure lay ahead of her.