Wednesday, February 06, 2013

Class 2 explorers

                                                   Explorers in the mud.
                                                     What will they find?
                                                              Energy bars!
                                                    Shelter from the hail.

Class 2 set out to explore on a cold, bright windy afternoon. They worked out the best places for lighting fires and building shelters, collected interesting plants and stones, waded through deep mud, found a stream and revived themselves with Explorer's Energy bars.

Friday, February 01, 2013

Class 2's explorers collected plant samples to draw. They made careful drawings of plants, stones and fossils.

Class 1 The Queen of Hearts

                                                       Making jam tarts
                                                            King of Hearts
This Friday's nursery rhyme is The Queen of Hearts. Class 1 used drama to decide how to help the Knave of Hearts to behave better. They made real jam tarts and ate them, made crowns for kings and queens, 'wanted' posters to help catch the knave and playdough cooking for the King and Queen.
Tasting the Explorers Energy bars

class 2 cooking

Class 2 designed and made explorers energy bars. They chose all sorts of ingredients to flavour their bars - dried fruit, seeds, nuts, chocolate, coconut, spices, honey, maple syrup and marzipan.They tried some and decided they were delicious. Next week they will take the rest to give them energy when they go exploring.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Twinkle, twinkle little star

Class 1

This Friday’s theme is night time and the nursery rhyme is Twinkle, twinkle little Star. Class 1 found out about nocturnal animals and made some from clay and paper, used torches in a dark den and constructed rockets to fly to the stars from a variety of materials. Some children made night time pictures. They did some drama based on the story of the Missing Moon.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Class 2 explorers

Class 2 have been finding about about the sort of equipment explorers might have used in the past. They have made things for an explorers camp.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Class 1 The Old Woman who lived in a Shoe

Class 1 explored the nursery rhyme through drama. They retold the story, asked questions about why the old woman ‘didn’t know what to do’, and talked about different endings for the rhyme.
Suggestions included - ‘she kissed them and cuddled them and sent them to bed’ , ‘she read them a story.....’ ‘she put their pyjamas on and brushed their teeth....’, ‘ she gave them a bath.....’.

During plan, do, review they chose to design shoe houses, make a scroll telling the story in pictures, make furniture for a  ‘shoe house’,and make their own little books. In the role play area they cooked soup, tidied the house, wrote shopping lists and recipe books.

Class 1 Spring term

On Fridays this term, class 1 are using nursery rhymes as a starting point for their work. They made a collection of nursery rhymes and chose some to write out and illustrate.
During plan, do, review they built vehicles to carry bags of wool. made collages of sheep and made symmetrical patterns using wool and paint.

Class 3 art

During the autumn term class 3 experimented with patterns and different methods of printing. They made books with their patterns and prints.