Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Bulb Garden Winner

We are thrilled to say that Thomas Farmer was the winner of the ‘Design a Bulb Garden’ competition which was in conjunction with Netherlands Bulbs and the Eden Project. Apparently they were inundated with entries but Thomas’ artist’s palette design won. This means that the garden will be planted in school and at the Eden Project in the near future. Well done Thomas!

Wellington Boots spare?

Have you got any old Wellington Boots to spare?
Class 1 would love to continue their outdoor education sessions outside, but the grass areas are often too wet. If you have any Wellingtons that your children have grown out of, Miss Bearns would be delighted to have them.

Message from the School Cook

She is delighted that so many children are enjoying the meals and would like everyone to know about a couple of slight changes to the menu. The ‘Mexican Pork’ is now ‘Mediterranean Pork’ and the ‘Beef Curry’ is now ‘Savoury Mince.’

Camel Sponsored bike Ride

It was wet, wet, wet, but great fun, fun, fun!
Thank you so much to everyone who contributed by cycling or sponsorship. A very special ‘thank you very much’ to all those who sponsored me and many thanks to Mrs Blake as all our efforts are going to be doubled by Barclays Bank!

Walk to School!

Walk to School Week coincides with Book Week this time but we will still be encouraging children to walk to school and gather ‘green feet!’
Mr & Mrs Kellow have kindly offered their yard again for car parking for parents travelling to the village.

Book Week

1st-5th October. We are celebrating by inviting a Cornish storyteller, Trevor Lawrence, to share tales with us. Classes 2 & 3 will be visiting Wadebridge Library where author John Cleave will present the ‘Big Wild Read’ certificates and learning about the library facilities, (members can bring along their cards to change books and new members can join if parents wish. Please ask for a form from the Secretary). We shall also be holding a Book Fair which will be open on Tuesday and Wednesday after school and on Tuesday the children can choose to dress up on the theme of ‘Enchanted’. Pupils will also be asked to bring along a favourite book to share.


Our Governing Body has an enormously responsible job being involved in all aspects of school life. They are volunteers who bring a wealth of different skills and views to the meeting but all have one aim and that is to support the school and ensure the best educational opportunities for all its pupils. We are currently looking for two Parent Governors to be elected onto the team. This can be a challenging but very worthwhile post, so if you are interested and would like further details, please contact us.
The Clerk to the Governors will shortly be sending out the necessary paperwork, but please do not let this put you off!

After School clubs

We are really sorry that ‘After School clubs’ have not begun as smoothly as planned. Following Darren’s departure another coach for Football, who had visited the school and was very enthusiastic, was prepared to run the sessions. However, due to personal reasons, he is now no longer able to fulfil this commitment. We are searching for another coach but as yet have been unsuccessful. The manager of the Dragon Centre has offered training if any parent would be interested in taking on this role. Please contact us if you are interested as the pupils love their football and would very much like to play again soon.
Children have found it difficult deciding between Runfit and Drama, so we have changed the timetable to accommodate them. The revised club timetable is as follows:
Tuesday—Class 3 High5 Class 2 Runfit
Next Buzz Club is Friday 19th October

Class 2 Still Life

This year our theme is "Reaching Out" and we have started the term looking at fruit and vegetables from around the world.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Autumn Term Diary 2007

September Wednesday 12th
Swimming begins
Friday 21st - 1.15pm
Tempest individual and family photographs
Sunday 23rd
Sponsored Cycle Ride
Friday 28th - 9.00
Harvest Breakfast in
St Mabena Church
October 1st - 5th
Book Week
Tuesday 2nd
H.S.A. Coffee morning
Friday 26th
School closure
Half Term
29th October-2nd
December 18th / 19th
Christmas play
Friday 21st
1.15 Christingle
End of term at 2.00

Morgan Lewis is a winner!

CONGRATULATIONS to Morgan Lewis, winner of the Tintagel Heritage Art competition. Morgan`s painting is currently being exhibited at Tintagel Castle.

School meals

School meals will cost £1.76 from the beginning of this term. Now that we have our very own cook, Angela Renals, the meals have greatly improved offering a greater choice and a balanced diet with a vegetarian option always available.


Swimming at the Dragon Leisure Centre begins on Wednesday 12th September for all pupils from Y2 - Y6. This will be followed by a games session. The children will return to school between 3.15 - 3.30. Unfortunately with the increases in the cost of transport, lifeguards and the hire of the pool facilities, we are asking parents to contribute £2.50 towards this very worthwhile activity.

Welcome back!

Welcome back everyone to the new school year. One that we are sure will be as busy as always. We hope that all pupils will be keen and eager to do their best and make the most of their opportunities. Parents and school working together is vitally important for the children to succeed.

At the end of the Summer term we received our OFSTED inspection and were delighted with the findings as everyone works so hard at St. Mabyn to ensure that the pupils succeed. This was followed by the `Section 48` inspection which only applies to Church schools. The focus of this inspection is to measure the quality of Religious Education, Collective Worship and the spiritual, moral and social aspects of pupil development. We were very pleased to receive an excellent report from the inspection which was also endorsed by the Truro Diocese.

During the holidays Class 3 classroom has been refurbished. The ceiling has been lowered with improved lighting and redecorated. A further twelve computer stations have been installed so that the older children will learn how to incorporate I.C.T. skills into their personalised learning. All pupils will have their own file space for storing their work.

The creation of the `Sense of Place Garden` is now under way with the removal of some of the trees and shrubbery in preparation for the installation of an outdoor learning area which will double as a wet weather shelter and provide extra shade. Staff from Trelawney Garden Centre are then going to help the children plant the garden following a combination of ideas already suggested by pupil designs. Please support the Home School Association (H.S.A.) who are arranging a number of events to fund raise for this project.