Friday, May 28, 2010

Ofsted report

Thank you for your support in sending back the questionnaires to the inspectors. With your information and that gathered by the children’s questionnaires they were able to make judgements about how everyone feels about how we are doing.

Read the full Ofsted report.

Tesco vouchers

If you have any spare Tesco vouchers, please bring them in. We need to choose our items soon and send all vouchers in by the middle of June.

June dates

7th—Return to school
15th—Beach safety talk
23rd—Sing up performance at Hall for Cornwall

PE Kit

Could the children all have their PE kit in school for the summer term. Classes may go outside for PE on days other than their normal ones, due to the weather.
PE kit should consist of a white T shirt / polo shirt, black shorts and daps or trainers.
Please label all items of PE kit.


The sunshine is back—and yet again, so are the headlice!
Please could you check your child’s hair and if necessary treat, or use the comb and conditioner method to remove any live lice. Please continue to inform us if your child does have headlice as we can tell individual classes to check heads.

Interactive whiteboards

Our new interactive whiteboards are now in place in both Class 2 and 3. The new ICT system update with a new server will all be put in during the next few weeks. We will all then have much better access to computers.

Playing on the green

At the end of the day, you are welcome to allow the children to play on the green, but staff will not supervise the children.
If you are running late then we will keep the children either in the playground or back in the school building.