Saturday, January 30, 2010

Class 2 shop

Laura from St Mabyn shop visited class 2 to tell them about her job as a shopkeeper.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Special school meals

We have two special school menu days approaching. The first is on Thursday 11th February, which is Chinese New Year. It is the year of the tiger—dates for tigers include 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998 and 2010. Traits for a tiger include: a forceful personality, being adventurous and confident.
The meal includes:
Sticky Chinese Chicken Skewers or Vegetable stir fry Prawn crackers, Noodles, Savoury Fried Rice, Warmed Sticky Banana with Ice Cream or Fresh Fruit.
If your child would like this meal could you please complete the slip at the bottom of your newsletter and return it to school by Wednesday 3rd February. This allows Angela enough time to order the ingredients.
The second special menu will be on St Pirans Day (5th March) and will be a pasty designed by the children. All children are welcome to take part in the competition to design a pasty for the day. Entries (recipes) need to be handed into school by Tuesday 9th February.

Holiday forms

If you are going on holiday during term time, please ask for a holiday form from the office. The form will ask for some extra details about why you are wanting to use term time rather than school holidays. Please be aware that although up to ten days of holiday can be authorised, it is only allowed in one family holiday—not lots of dates throughout the year. Once I have then checked your child’s absence rates, I will reply to your request. If your child has had a lot of illness or other absences, then I may not be able to authorise the holiday. Education Welfare Officers look at absence rates of 85% and holiday can put you into this category.

February dates

February 2nd—Y1 hearing tests
5th—Cascade in all day
11th—Special menu day
Class 1 from St Tudy visiting Class 1 here
12th— Cascade in all day / School council meeting / Break for half term
22nd—Return to school
2nd—Curriculum /Personnel Govs meeting 5.00pm
8th—Finance/Buildings Govs meeting 6.30pm
15th / 16th Art Residential—Roseland
24th—Last swimming session
1st—Break for Easter

Creative Arts Project

As part of our on-going creative arts project, we have Cascade (a national arts project group) working with both the school and community members on an arts project based on the theme—Journeys. The project will involve lots of art, drama, literacy, music and dance, which all children will participate in during the Cascade visits to the school. The end project will be a huge performance with the school building and other local buildings transformed as the back drop for the children’s work. Cascade have just begun to formulate their ideas with the children and so specific details are a bit sketchy at the moment. We will keep you informed of details as the term progresses.


Please be aware that we have headlice around again. They obviously didn’t like the cold, but now things have warmed up—they’re back!
If possible could any children with long hair keep it tied back .Could you also check your child’s head every few days in case they have headlice or nits.
Combing through with a nit comb with conditioner is probably still one of the safest ways of treating them. Tea tree shampoo or conditioner can also be effective for some children.

Fruit and fruit helpers

Starting from Monday we would like to offer a wider range of fruit for all children, to encourage a few more to eat fruit at breaktime.
At the moment children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are entitled to free fruit and any other children pay 10p per day.
We have basic fruit available (apples, satsumas, carrots etc) from the suppliers, but we would now like to supplement this fruit with other things—grapes, pineapple, melon, cucumber, peppers and soft fruits when in season.
This would allow the children to have two portions of fruit a day from a much wider selection, eg half an apple and some grapes; half a banana and a slice of melon etc.
For the moment, we will try to cover our costs with contributions of 10p per day. If you would like your child to try the new fruit from Monday, then please pay 10p per day.
We still need helpers to prepare the fruit first thing in the morning—so to get you out of Wake and Shake you could come in and wash and slice up the fruit!

First thing in the morning

From Monday, we would like to resume Wake and Shake during the early part of the morning, but not as part of an assembly as happened previously. To be able to do this as a whole school, we would like to try Wake and Shake at 9.00am.
We would request that all children stay outside in the main playground (the top playground) with their book bags, lunch boxes etc. ready for the Wake and Shake session starting at 9.00am.
A member of staff will be on duty every morning from 8.50—9.00am to supervise the children in the playground.
You are welcome to leave the children under the supervision of the staff member or stay and join in with Wake and Shake if you would like to!
Once Wake and Shake has finished, all classes will walk into the building at 9.05am ready for their registers and assembly.
From 8.50—9.00am staff will be available for any parent who may wish to discuss something in private in their classrooms, with the exception of the staff member on duty who will be outside.
We hope that this will stop a lot of the unnecessary putting on and taking off of coats, and will also allow parents who have a private matter to discuss, an opportunity to speak to the class teacher.
If it’s pouring with rain—please come into school as normal.


Are you able to offer 10 minutes of your time first thing in the morning to help prepare fruit?
If so, please let the office know.


Could we please remind you that any payments for swimming, fruit and milk by cheque should be made payable to "St Mabyn School".
Any dinner money should be made payable to "Cornwall Council" (no County part any more).
Dinner should be paid by the end of the week, so that no payments are in arrears as the school has to pay for each meal eaten at the end of every week.

Welcome back

Firstly I need to welcome two new members of staff to St Mabyn School—Mrs Alison McDonald who will be teaching in Class 2 and Mrs Kate Lang, the new school secretary.
Both new members of staff have been into school during the holidays, familiarising themselves with school processes and where everything is!
Mrs Lang will be available in the office every day from 8.45—1.00pm. She will have help from Mrs Christine Ord (from St Tudy) for the first few days, to help settle in.
Mrs McDonald, as Head of Teaching and Learning, is available for any parent with concerns or worries about their child, on a day to day basis. Where further intervention is needed then I will be involved.
At the moment, I plan to work for three mornings at St Tudy and two at St Mabyn and then three afternoons at St Mabyn and two at St Tudy. This should help with someone in the main office here during the afternoons, as I plan to work there when possible. This week however, I plan to spend whole days in each school, to save driving between the villages. I will be here on Wednesday and Friday.
Karen Holmes
11th—Federation governors meeting cancelled
13th—swimming starts
15th—Cascade visiting all day
22nd—Cascade visiting am only
26th—KH out at a conference in Exeter
29th—Cascade in all day
5th—Cascade in all day
12th—Cascade in all day
Break for half term

Monday, January 11, 2010

Friday, January 08, 2010

School still closed!

Please listen to Radio Cornwall for further updates.