Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Monday, April 23, 2007

Carnyorth Residential

Class 2 set off on a beautiful sunny morning for West Cornwall. We visited Chysauster iron age village where we spent time exploring and drawing, looking for patterns in the landscape.After lunch we went to Carnyorth where we were to stay the night.The children worked with Ali at the centre to produce banners using shapes based on their sketches. Still full of energy after unpacking and playing in the garden, we set off for the moorland above Carnyorth. In the evening we were entertained by a visiting smuggler who told stories and sang songs.As everyone was awake early the next morning and the sun was still shining we set off again for a walk on the moor before Ali came to do more drawing and printing to complete the banners.Then it was time for pasties in the garden and back to school.

Carnyorth Slideshow

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Class 1 enjoyed a visit to Bodmin firestation

looking after plants

A parent who is a gardener came into class 1 to talk about looking after plants


May we remind parents that pupils are expected to do homework daily by reading and learning their multiplication tables and spellings. The older children will receive set homework as well. A curriculum letter is sent home each term to share with parents the topics we are studying at the time and are accompanied by Maths Target pamphlets. Much learning can be achieved if children can use their knowledge - for example handling money, telling the time or weighing ingredients etc. - practically.

Water bottles

We actively welcome water bottles in the classroom for children to use throughout the day. Hydration is very important to learning ensuring that pupils continue to feel alert. Please ensure that water bottles are sent to school daily.

Sun Smart

It is vitally important that children develop sun - smart skills.
Slip on a `T ` shirt. Slop on the sun cream and Slap on a hat !
With all this beautiful weather please encourage your children to bring sun cream and a hat to school for daily personal use.

Book Fair

There will be a Book Fair in school on Friday 27th April.

Internet Safety

No one can deny that the internet has revolutionised our lives and can be very useful however there are also significant areas of concern especially for children using the internet independently. Parents need to be aware of a range of issues concerning the use of the internet such as `filtering` , `chat rooms` monitoring web sites, e-mail bullying etc. Our Primary cluster of schools has arranged a meeting to help and support parents by raising their awareness to the pitfalls and offer advice to ensure that our children are kept safe. This is to be held at Wadebridge Primary School on Wednesday 25th April - please do come along if you can.

Barnabas Award

Barnabas Award Distinction for our school.

Each year schools are invited to compete in the Barnabas Award which is a competition to celebrate the Religious Knowledge curriculum taught in the county`s schools. Our entry this year focussed on the KS2 curriculum and all the work the children have been studying centred around the theme a ` Sense of Place`. Cornwall is often called `The Land of Saints` and Class 3 used their I.C.T., Art and Drama skills to discover more about the lives of local saints. In Literacy and Art Class 2 wrote an illustrated story based on Tudy and Mabena . Following our visit to Minions the children in both classes wrote some amazing poems that really impressed the judges with their imagery, sensitivity and reflective quality. Representatives from both classes were interviewed by the judges and did a splendid job. This all resulted in our school being awarded a distinction and invited to take part in the Barnabas presentations at Truro Cathedral on Sunday 10th June. On that occasion Class 3 will be presenting their play. Families and friends are welcome to accompany us and there will be a coach leaving the school at 12.00pm. More details will follow so do keep this afternoon free.


This term we are offering the following activities;
Monday - Football with Darren
Tuesday - Board Games with Mrs Waters
- Cookery with Miss Bearns
Wednesday - Rounders with Miss Henchley / Mrs Puttock
Thursday - Runfit with Miss Bearns

We are asking the children to `sign up` if they would like to take part in a club so that we can arrange groups for the various activities. Clubs start straight after school and finish at 3.45pm apart from football.
Clubs will begin next week on the 23rd April.

Refurbished toilets!

The contractors have been very busy over the Easter holidays and all the toilets have been completely refurbished much to the delight of pupils.

The Summer term is here!

Welcome back to the Summer term which promises to be very busy and as exciting as usual with residentials to Carnyorth and the Jurassic Coast, visits to Goonhilly and May Day, adventure days out canoeing and water safety training with the RNLI, sports days, the swimming gala and the fete to mention just a few events!
A very special welcome to all the new Nursery pupils and their families. We hope you will all enjoy a very happy educational experience with us. We would like to invite all parents of Nursery pupils to an informal meeting on Tuesday 22nd May at 9.15 am. Hopefully by then everyone will have settled into a new routine but it provides an opportunity to chat about any queries anyone might have.

Monday, April 16, 2007

Easter Cards

Class 2 painted watercolour paintings of flowers and made them into Easter cards.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Class 2 planting Petunias

Voyage of the Mystery

Class 3 used paint print and collage to create their own interpretations of the Voyage of the Mystery