Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Celebration time!

We have just received news that we are one of sixty six schools in the county to receive the `Sportsmark 2007` for our provision and commitment to sporting activities encouraging pupils to partake in regular exercise.
The KS2 SAT results have been published for the county and this year our school is in the top eight! Fantastic news and enormous credit to pupils, parents and staff who worked so hard to achieve this. Although SAT results are not the `be all and end all` in school life they are one of the benchmarks that our school is judged by. It is vital that our pupils attain the core knowledge and skills that will enable them to make the most of opportunities in the future and that is our commitment.

Diary dates Autumn Term

Monday 17th December
6.30 Carol singing
at school.

Tuesday 18th December
2.00pm Christmas Play
in St Mabena Church

Wednesday 19th December
7.00pm Christmas play
in St Mabena Church

Friday 21st December
1.15 Christingle
St. Mabena Church
End of term at 2.00

Spring Term
Begins Monday 7th January 2008


Thank you so much to all the parents who contributed to the Travel Plan comment sheet. These have been added to our evidence folder that needs to be sent to the Department of Children, Schools and Families shortly.

Extended School survey

This was requested by the Extended Schools North Cornwall team and we have been able to send the completed questionnaires onto them - thank you for all your responses.

Music Lessons

Music Lessons begin the first week of the Spring Term with guitar on Monday 7th January 2008

Holiday time is ...

Cold, wet, dark winter days –fed up , bored children - its time to curl up with a book and escape!

Monday, December 03, 2007

Children in Need

Thank you so much for your support for the ` Children in Need`
appeal and especially the yummy cakes - much appreciated. We raised £106

Bulb Planting at Eden

The `Paint Box` is planted at Eden.

Parent Governor

The Governors are very pleased to welcome John Irons as an appointed Parent Governor. Mr. Irons has two daughters who are currently in Y5 and Y2.

Swimming team

Congratulations to the Swimming team.
They won the cup at the Wadebridge Swimming Gala.

Autumn Term Diary 2007

December 18th / 19th Christmas play

Friday 21st 1.15 Christingle
End of term at 2.00