Monday, June 25, 2007

Tintagel castle

Class 2 visited Tintagel castle and found about it's legends and history.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Blue Reef Aquarium

Class 1 enjoyed a visit to the Blue Reef Aquarium at Newquay. We had a guided tour of the aquarium followed by searching in the rock pools for marine wildlife.

Friday, June 15, 2007

OFSTED inspection

Our inspection has now taken place and we are delighted to say that the feedback from the inspector praises our school's achievements in all areas. The report will be published in about two weeks and will be available to parents on the internet and from the school. A letter from the inspector will also be addressed to the pupils.

The day was gruelling for all concerned but everyone played their part. The children were exemplary and confidently discussed the school with the inspector. Thank you so much to all the parents who were so supportive - much appreciated.

As we are a Church school we will also receive a Diocesan Board inspection which will take place on Tuesday 26th June.

Summer Term Diary

Saturday 16th June Church Fete

Thursday 21st June Swimming Gala

Tuesday 3rd July Sports Day

4th 5th 6th July Y5 & Y6 Residential

Tuesday 10th July District Sports

Wednesday 18th July Presentation Evening

Friday 20th July Leavers Assembly at 1.15pm
End of term at 2.00pm


The Royal Cornwall Show petunias were wonderful. There are many green fingered families out there and the children really enjoyed growing their plants. Many thanks to Mr. Lobb who was invited to do the very tricky job of selecting our entry which was commended by the judges. Our thanks to Trelawney Garden Centre for their sponsorship.

Goonhilly visit

Goonhilly visit - change to arrival home time.
We have been advised that the return home time will now be approximately 4.30pm

Church Fete

The fete is a wonderful village event that takes place this Saturday, 16th June on the Green at 2.30 pm. Pupils are practising Maypole Dancing in preparation for their display. We hope there will be lots of entries for the Fancy Dress competition. Why not dress up as a T.V. or book character just for fun and maybe win a prize!

We have also been asked to make everyone aware that this year the fete is being filmed for a television programme looking at village life.

Most of the school furniture is removed from the building to provide tables and chairs for the event. There are always several willing hands in the morning but at the end of the day there are considerably less! So if you are able to help return the furniture to the school at the end of the day that would be fantastic - thank you.