Growing up and gaining independence is particularly difficult when you are in the phase between being a child and an adult.
Mrs Gould, who works with
Children's Family Services, frequently visits our school to talk about the School Council and pupil protective behaviours. She also has access to a small amount of funding for promoting activities for this age group. So following such a visit we were talking about the 9 - 13 age group and the lack of `out of school` provision there is in the village to keep them out of mischief.
We talked to the pupils and asked them for their views and it transpired that they would greatly appreciate some activities being arranged for them. They came up with really good ideas such as the school computers being available for homework assignments, sporting and physical activities.
I have been in touch with Mr. Bower at Wadebridge Comprehensive School who has very kindly offered support to this project and will advertise our next meeting , which is at 3.30pm on Wednesday 7th November at school, when we hope all the youngsters between 9 - 13 in the village will come along and discuss how we can get this project started.
The idea is that the youngsters organise the project with a helping hand from adults.
Please help us to publicise this meeting as widely as possible and if anyone is interested in supporting this initiative by offering an activity, that would be terrific.